A message from the server when a player dies
🌍 Localization
📂 Path localizations → language.yml → message.death
⚖️ Default
death.attack.anvil: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> раздавлен упавшей наковальней"
death.attack.anvil.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был раздавлен упавшей наковальней, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.arrow: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> застрелен <killer>"
death.attack.arrow.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> застрелен <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.badRespawnPoint.message: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> стал жертвой <fcolor:2>[<click:open_url:\"\"><hover:show_text:\"<fcolor:2>MCPE-28723\">жестоких правил игры</hover></click>]"
death.attack.cactus: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> исколот до смерти"
death.attack.cactus.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> наткнулся на кактус, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.cramming: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> расплющен в лепёшку"
death.attack.cramming.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> расплющен <killer>"
death.attack.dragonBreath: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> испепелён дыханием дракона"
death.attack.dragonBreath.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сварился заживо в драконьем дыхании из-за <killer>"
death.attack.drown: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> утонул"
death.attack.drown.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> утонул, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.dryout: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер от обезвоживания"
death.attack.dryout.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер от обезвоживания, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.even_more_magic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит неизведанной магией"
death.attack.explosion: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> взорвался"
death.attack.explosion.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был взорван <killer>"
death.attack.explosion.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был взорван <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.explosion.player.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был взорван <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.fall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> разбился вдребезги"
death.attack.fall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> разбился вдребезги, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.fallingBlock: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> раздавлен упавшим блоком"
death.attack.fallingBlock.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был раздавлен упавшим блоком, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.fallingStalactite: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был пронзён обрушившимся сталактитом"
death.attack.fallingStalactite.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был пронзён обрушившимся сталактитом, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.fireball: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> убит файерболом <killer>"
death.attack.fireball.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> убит файерболом <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.fireworks: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> с треском разлетелся"
death.attack.fireworks.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> с треском разлетелся из-за фейерверка <killer>, выпущенного из <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.fireworks.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> с треском разлетелся, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.flyIntoWall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> преобразовал кинетическую энергию во внутреннюю"
death.attack.flyIntoWall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> преобразовал кинетическую энергию во внутреннюю, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.freeze: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> замёрз насмерть"
death.attack.freeze.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> замёрз насмерть благодаря <killer>"
death.attack.generic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер"
death.attack.generic.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер из-за <killer>"
death.attack.genericKill: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> убит"
death.attack.genericKill.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит, сражаясь с <killer>"
death.attack.hotFloor: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> обнаружил, что пол — это лава"
death.attack.hotFloor.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> зашёл в опасную зону из-за <killer>"
death.attack.indirectMagic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer> с помощью магии"
death.attack.indirectMagic.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.inFire: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер в огне"
death.attack.inFire.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сгорел в огне, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.inWall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> погребён заживо"
death.attack.inWall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был погребён заживо, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.lava: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> решил поплавать в лаве"
death.attack.lava.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> упал в лаву, убегая от <killer>"
death.attack.lightningBolt: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был поражён молнией"
death.attack.lightningBolt.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был поражён молнией, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.mace_smash: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был сокрушён <killer>"
death.attack.mace_smash.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был сокрушён <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.magic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит магией"
death.attack.magic.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит магией, убегая от <killer>"
death.attack.mob: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer>"
death.attack.mob.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.onFire: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сгорел заживо"
death.attack.onFire.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был сожжён дотла, пока боролся с <killer>, держащим <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.onFire.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был сожжён дотла, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.outOfWorld: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> выпал из мира"
death.attack.outOfWorld.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> не захотел жить в том же мире, что и <killer>"
death.attack.outsideBorder: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> покинул пределы этого мира"
death.attack.outsideBorder.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> покинул пределы этого мира, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer>"
death.attack.player.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sonic_boom: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был уничтожен звуковым зарядом"
death.attack.sonic_boom.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был уничтожен звуковым зарядом, спасаясь от <killer>, держащего <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sonic_boom.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был уничтожен звуковым зарядом, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.stalagmite: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> пронзён сталагмитом"
death.attack.stalagmite.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был пронзён сталагмитом, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.starve: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер от голода"
death.attack.starve.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> умер от голода, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.sting: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> изжален до смерти"
death.attack.sting.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был изжален до смерти <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sting.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> изжален до смерти <killer>"
death.attack.sweetBerryBush: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> искололся до смерти в кустах сладких ягод"
death.attack.sweetBerryBush.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> искололся до смерти в кустах сладких ягод, спасаясь от <killer>"
death.attack.thorns: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит, пытаясь навредить <killer>"
death.attack.thorns.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был убит <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]</fcolor:2>, пытаясь навредить <killer>"
death.attack.thrown: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был избит <killer>"
death.attack.thrown.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был избит <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.trident: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был пронзён <killer>"
death.attack.trident.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> пронзён <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.wither: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> иссушён"
death.attack.wither.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был иссушён, пока боролся с <killer>"
death.attack.witherSkull: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был поражён черепом из <killer>"
death.attack.witherSkull.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был поражён черепом из <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.accident.generic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> разбился насмерть"
death.fell.accident.ladder: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> свалился с лестницы"
death.fell.accident.other_climbable: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сорвался"
death.fell.accident.scaffolding: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сорвался с подмосток"
death.fell.accident.twisting_vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сорвался с вьющейся лозы"
death.fell.accident.vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сорвался с лианы"
death.fell.accident.weeping_vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> сорвался с плакучей лозы"
death.fell.assist: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> свалился благодаря <killer>"
death.fell.assist.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был обречён на падение <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.finish: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> упал с высоты и был добит <killer>"
death.fell.finish.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> упал с высоты и был добит <killer> с помощью <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.killer: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> был обречён на падение"
death.attack.anvil: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was squashed by a falling anvil"
death.attack.anvil.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1> <display_name> was squashed by a falling anvil while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.arrow: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was shot by <killer>"
death.attack.arrow.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was shot by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.badRespawnPoint.message: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by <fcolor:2>[<click:open_url:\"\"><hover:show_text:\"<fcolor:2>MCPE-28723\">Intentional Game Design</hover></click>]"
death.attack.cactus: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was pricked to death"
death.attack.cactus.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> walked into a cactus while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.cramming: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was squished too much"
death.attack.cramming.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was squashed by <killer>"
death.attack.dragonBreath: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was roasted in dragon's breath"
death.attack.dragonBreath.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was roasted in dragon's breath by <killer>"
death.attack.drown: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> drowned"
death.attack.drown.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> drowned while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.dryout: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> died from dehydration"
death.attack.dryout.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> died from dehydration while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.even_more_magic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by even more magic"
death.attack.explosion: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> blew up"
death.attack.explosion.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was blown up by <killer>"
death.attack.explosion.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was blown up by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.explosion.player.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was blown up by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.fall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> hit the ground too hard"
death.attack.fall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> hit the ground too hard while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.fallingBlock: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was squashed by a falling block"
death.attack.fallingBlock.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was squashed by a falling block while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.fallingStalactite: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was skewered by a falling stalactite"
death.attack.fallingStalactite.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was skewered by a falling stalactite while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.fireball: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was fireballed by <killer>"
death.attack.fireball.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was fireballed by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.fireworks: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> went off with a bang"
death.attack.fireworks.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> went off with a bang due to a firework fired from <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>] by <killer>"
death.attack.fireworks.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> went off with a bang while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.flyIntoWall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> experienced kinetic energy"
death.attack.flyIntoWall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> experienced kinetic energy while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.freeze: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> froze to death"
death.attack.freeze.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was frozen to death by <killer>"
death.attack.generic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> died"
death.attack.generic.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> died because of <killer>"
death.attack.genericKill: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed"
death.attack.genericKill.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.hotFloor: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> discovered the floor was lava"
death.attack.hotFloor.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> walked into the danger zone due to <killer>"
death.attack.indirectMagic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by <killer> using magic"
death.attack.indirectMagic.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.inFire: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> went up in flames"
death.attack.inFire.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> walked into fire while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.inWall: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> suffocated in a wall"
death.attack.inWall.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> suffocated in a wall while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.lava: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> tried to swim in lava"
death.attack.lava.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> tried to swim in lava to escape <killer>"
death.attack.lightningBolt: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was struck by lightning"
death.attack.lightningBolt.player: "<color:#778899>🪦<fcolor:1> <display_name> was struck by lightning while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.mace_smash: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was smashed by <killer>"
death.attack.mace_smash.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was smashed by <killer> with <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.magic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by magic"
death.attack.magic.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by magic while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.mob: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was slain by <killer>"
death.attack.mob.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was slain by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.onFire: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> burned to death"
death.attack.onFire.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was burned to a crisp while fighting <killer> wielding <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.onFire.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was burned to a crisp while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.outOfWorld: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell out of the world"
death.attack.outOfWorld.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> didn't want to live in the same world as <killer>"
death.attack.outsideBorder: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> left the confines of this world"
death.attack.outsideBorder.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> left the confines of this world while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was slain by <killer>"
death.attack.player.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was slain by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sonic_boom: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek"
death.attack.sonic_boom.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek while trying to escape <killer> wielding <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sonic_boom.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.stalagmite: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was impaled on a stalagmite"
death.attack.stalagmite.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was impaled on a stalagmite while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.starve: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> starved to death"
death.attack.starve.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> starved to death while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.sting: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was stung to death"
death.attack.sting.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was stung to death by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.sting.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was stung to death by <killer>"
death.attack.sweetBerryBush: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush"
death.attack.sweetBerryBush.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was poked to death by a sweet berry bush while trying to escape <killer>"
death.attack.thorns: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed while trying to hurt <killer>"
death.attack.thorns.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was killed by <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]</fcolor:2> while trying to hurt <killer>"
death.attack.thrown: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was pummeled by <killer>"
death.attack.thrown.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was pummeled by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.trident: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was impaled by <killer>"
death.attack.trident.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was impaled by <killer> with <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.attack.wither: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> withered away"
death.attack.wither.player: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> withered away while fighting <killer>"
death.attack.witherSkull: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was shot by a skull from <killer>"
death.attack.witherSkull.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was shot by a skull from <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.accident.generic: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell from a high place"
death.fell.accident.ladder: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell off a ladder"
death.fell.accident.other_climbable: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell while climbing"
death.fell.accident.scaffolding: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell off scaffolding"
death.fell.accident.twisting_vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell off some twisting vines"
death.fell.accident.vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell off some vines"
death.fell.accident.weeping_vines: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell off some weeping vines"
death.fell.assist: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was doomed to fall by <killer>"
death.fell.assist.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was doomed to fall by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.finish: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell too far and was finished by <killer>"
death.fell.finish.item: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> fell too far and was finished by <killer> using <fcolor:2>[<i><by_item></i>]"
death.fell.killer: "<color:#778899>🪦 <fcolor:1><display_name> was doomed to fall"
A complete list of death types, where the key is the name of the death and the value is the message that will be used
⚙️ Setting
📂 Path message.yml → death
⚖️ Default
enable: true
range: -1
type: CHAT
enable: false
Enables or disables the functionality of the module
How far in blocks the message will be displayed
Value | Explanation |
-2 | The message will be sent to all players on the server and on Proxy |
-1 | The message will be sent to all players on the server |
0 | The message will be sent only to the sender |
Any number > 0 | The message will be sent to players whose distance from the sender is less than this number |
If the range is greater than 0
, for example 100
, the recipients must also be in the same dimension as the sender
Where the message will be sent
Replace the value type: here
and restart FlectonePulse
using the /flectonepulse reload
command. Additional settings will appear automatically.
Type | Explanation | Requires additional configuration? |
ACTION_BAR | Message above the player's inventory | Yes |
BOSS_BAR | Message at the top of the screen | Yes |
BRAND | Message in F3 | No |
CHAT | Message in the chat | No |
TITLE | Full-screen message | Yes |
SUBTITLE | Full-screen message (bottom line) | Yes |
TAB_HEADER | Message in TAB (top) | No |
TAB_FOOTER | Message in TAB (bottom) | No |
TOAST | Message in the top-right corner (achievement) | Yes |
Configuration for ACTION_BAR
stay: 60
Field | Explanation |
stay | Time in ticks to hold the message |
Configuration for BOSS_BAR
type: BOSS_BAR
duration: 100
health: 1.0
overlay: PROGRESS
color: BLUE
play-boos-music: false
create-world-fog: false
darken-screen: false
Duration of the message display
How full the boss bar will be
Type | Explanation |
PROGRESS | Single line |
NOTCHED_6 | Divided into 6 parts |
NOTCHED_10 | Divided into 10 parts |
NOTCHED_12 | Divided into 12 parts |
NOTCHED_20 | Divided into 20 parts |
Display color
Type |
Whether music will play with the message
Whether fog will appear with the message
Whether the screen will darken with the message
Configuration for TITLE
subtext: ""
fade-in: 20
stay: 60
fade-out: 20
Message for the second part of the display. For example, if TITLE
is selected, subtext
will be displayed below it, and vice versa.
Field | Explanation |
fade-in | Time in ticks for the message to appear |
stay | Time in ticks to hold the message |
fade-out | Time in ticks for the message to disappear |
Configuration for TOAST
type: TOAST
icon: "minecraft:diamond"
style: TASK
Achievement icon, which can be any Minecraft item (must specify the full path)
Achievement type (TASK
regular, GOAL
Not recommended for global messages
Sound playback
Field | Type | Explanation |
enable | boolean | Enables sound functionality |
volume | float | Sound volume from 0 to 1.0 |
pitch | float | Sound pitch from 0 to 1.0 |
name | String | Sound name, for example minecraft:entity.llama.spit |
Replace false
with true
and restart FlectonePulse
using the /flectonepulse reload
command. Additional sound settings will appear AFTER RELOADING.
The sound configuration will look like this:
enable: true
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
category: "HOSTILE"
name: "minecraft:entity.llama.spit"
🔐 Permissions
📂 Path permission.yml → message.death
⚖️ Default
name: "flectonepulse.module.message.death"
type: TRUE
name: "flectonepulse.module.message.death.sound"
type: TRUE
Permission name
Permission type
Type | Explanation |
TRUE | Available for any player |
FALSE | Available if granted separately (e.g., via LuckPerms) |
OP | Available for server operators |
NOT_OP | Available if granted separately (e.g., via LuckPerms) |
Permission to use sound